Tim Brouwers

Hackathon Redesign Your Agrifood Business


This event was my first Hackathon I ever participated in organized by Hackathon Masters. Together with my team we worked on their challenge and came up with an innovative solution, which led to an amazing result with us winning the audience award! Read more about my experience below.

hackathon team photo

📝 The Challenge

The first day started out with a challenge debriefing by an Agriculture field expert. During this session, he explained that our challenge domain would be agroforestry.

Agroforestry is a land management system that combines trees with the growing of agricultural crops and or animals on the same piece of land. It is a sustainable and integrated approach to land management that seeks to optimize the benefits of both forestry and agriculture while minimizing their negative impacts. This results in healthier soil and higher yields.

💡 Our Concept

Together with my team we started with talking to the expert about agroforestry and researching this topic. After performing research we started brainstorming for as many ideas as we could think of involving the expert with our crazy ideas.

Day 2 started out with eleminating ideas that we thought would not work, performing more research into the leftover ideas. Finally, we came to a concept with nut trees. Since agroforestry provides many benefits for a farmer, we could add another. By making use of a smart robot that runs on solar energy the farmers can harvest nuts that are on the ground automatically.

On the final day I pitched our idea to everyone at the event and ended up having many positive replies from the farmers involved with this challenge. This resulted in us winning the audience award!

Experiencing a Hackathon for the first time was an amazing experience! I learnt how to innovate and lead my team.